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Image Source: writeeditblog.blogspot.com |
It is a debate
almost as old as the chicken and the egg argument. Which came first – the content
or the conversation?
according to Merriam-Webster, comprises the terms substance, gist, meaning,
significance. Conversation is the exchange – verbal or written – of
content. Without content, a conversation is nothing more than meaningless
drivel coming out of one’s mouth - or keyboard – with no thought behind it and
an inability to engage others.
In the world of
social media, content, or should I say, good content, drives the conversation
bus. It is more than just saying something. It is having something interesting
to say and then engaging with others who respond to what you have shared.
In a great
article about conversation and content, Catherine Novak states
had cornflakes for breakfast’ is not likely to generate any sort of
conversation beyond ‘Me too,’ or ‘Yeah, so?’ But…’Oh shoot, the ferret I’m
babysitting just jumped in my cornflakes!!’ conveys a bunch of conversation
starters…it has action, emotion, and personal experience, and those are the key
ingredients to starting a conversation.
What Novak
describes with her second example of the ferret jumping in her cornflakes is a
perfect example of content. It has action, emotion, substance, significance.
The first sentence had no significant thought or emotion behind it. So, which
is likely to garner more social interaction? Without good content, there is no –
or next to little – conversation.
is good, solid content important in the world of social media? As Jeff Bullas states, “Creating the best possible experience for users comes down to the key
element of quality content creation. That one activity alone will make a major
difference in pushing your website and blog higher in search results” (2012).
Why Good Content is Key
continues to revamp its search engine formula in the pursuit of delivering the
most accurate and relevant results to its users. What this means is that,
according to Google, “Search is a complicated and evolving art and science, so rather than
focusing on specific algorithmic tweaks, we encourage you to focus on
delivering the best possible experience for users."
What this means, essentially, is that Google is
weeding out sites with low-quality content in favor of sites with good,
substantial, and significant content for its consumers. And, yes, Google is as
concerned about creating quality content (i.e. relevant search results) for its
consumers as Starbucks is about making a great latte.
This infographic provides a great visual of how SEO
and quality content work together:
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Image Source: brafton.com |
In the world of social media, great content is going to stand out
from the rest. It is going to be found by Google and it is going to rank high
in search engine results. More than just telling people what you had for
breakfast, create compelling content that sparks engaging conversation. Do
this, and you will have people clamoring for more – and isn’t that your goal?
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